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One of our favorite jobs at Sun Sign Company is performing lighting retrofits for our customers. Why? Because we love happy customers. Sun Sign Company customers smile at the thought of saving money on maintenance by eliminating troublesome lamps that constantly need service in exchange for lamps that burn trouble-free for 100,000 hours or more. They smile at the thought of saving money on utility costs because the lighting retrofit got them brighter lamps that burn fewer kilowatts of electricity. And, they always smile because it costs much less than they imagined especially when factoring in rebates and incentives provided by government entities, municipalities and electric service providers. 

While it's not always easy for consumers to determine their own needs with regard to choosing how many fixtures are needed and where to place them, we make it easy by doing the work for you. The staff at Sun Sign Company can analyze your electric usage and make recommendations on the type of energy efficient lighting to use and the placement. Often we can save money for our customers because the retrofit can oftentimes be performed inside the lamp housings of existing fixtures making it unnecessary to purchase energy saving light fixtures as complete units. 

Lighting retrofits are particularly good investments from a cost standpoint where customers have been using bright, high wattage metal halide (MH) lamps. These lamps are common under gas station canopies, in fixtures lighting parking lots, sports stadiums, warehouses and stores with high ceilings. We often find high wattage MH bulbs in wall pac fixtures and security lighting on the outside of many businesses as well. The problem with metal halide is not the light quality. It is the fact that MH lamps burn with great intensity and produces a lot of heat. The heat inevitably causes premature failure of bulbs, ballasts and transformers and it makes wiring inside the fixture brittle and susceptible to shorting out, not to mention the high costs associated with burning more electricity than necessary to get great light. 

By contrast, the lamps Sun Sign Company recommends for lighting retrofit projects produce little heat and have fewer parts than found inside MH fixtures. Lamps that produce less heat are particularly beneficial in warmer months of the year when summer Sun is baking exterior light fixtures, and when air conditioners are working hard to overcome heat produced from ceiling lamps inside a building. We have found that lighting retrofit customers can usually enjoy brighter, cleaner, whiter light in a room or on a building perimeter, even when wattages have been decreased by as much as fifty percent. 

We have found lighting service calls for our customers are nearly nonexistent, and we have found our customers saving money. One gas station is burning $500 per month less electricity than a year ago after a lighting retrofit project Sun Sign Company performed . Now you know why our lighting retrofit customers are happy. Care to join them? 

Call Sun Sign Company today for a free analysis of your energy efficient lighting needs and a free quote